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    Moody, crazy and grumpy at times (who isn't? ^_^). I prefer to live in my own imaginary world. This is part of my real world ^_^.
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    Layout design by: Pannasmontata
    Layout edited by: PhoenixMedia
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  • Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
  • Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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  • My Precious

    Next Novel:

    Pengembaraan Fantasi: Musuh Dalam Selimut

    Status : Submitted

    Villa Krista (Novel Remaja Dewasa)

    Status : 2%

    Friday, April 20, 2007,8:23 PM
    Me... and Writing
    I started develop the interest in writing when I was 12. I can still remember, I had this dream one night - a nightmare actually - and I thought, hey! Why don't I write about it? I did. I used an empty book and I wrote. Unfortunately it ended in only a page :) I couldn't recall what was my first story, but the nightmare I had, resides in me till now. And I vow it won't go wasted.

    The passion for writing went on and on. Each time I have a new idea, I would write it. And as usual it would end up in a page or two. Then I jump to another story. The cycle continues.

    Until I met with Kak Aina. That was the turning point for the changes in my life. I managed to finish up my first ever teen's novel - "Pengembaraan Fantasi: Pintu Cahaya". Highly motivated by the released of the book, I completed the second series - "Pengembaraan Fantasi : Sumpahan Gua Hantu" in just a month time. That was a record for me.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    The third series is still in the hand of Kak Aina. The title of it? Well, I guess we just have to wait for it ;)
    As I Would Have It
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