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    Moody, crazy and grumpy at times (who isn't? ^_^). I prefer to live in my own imaginary world. This is part of my real world ^_^.
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  • My Precious

    Next Novel:

    Pengembaraan Fantasi: Musuh Dalam Selimut

    Status : Submitted

    Villa Krista (Novel Remaja Dewasa)

    Status : 2%

    Thursday, August 23, 2007,7:09 PM
    Kena tagged oleh Nabil.

    Tagged by Nabil.

    1) Each player must post these rules first.
    2) Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
    3) People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
    4) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
    5) Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

    dLyn's 8 random facts

    1) easily get angry but easily get calm
    2) when I'm angry, I tend to do stupid things that I will regret later on --> x blaja dari mistake sungguh
    3) don't know how to say "no" --> something that need to be changed, and for this I will learn from the best.. sape lagi kalau bukan Nabil ahaks!
    4)I have imaginary friends since kid till now --> nope, no kidding. Kalau tak, mane ade idea nak tulis buku nih
    5) forgiven but not forgotten
    6) quite patience, selalu beralah but don't try me coz I can get really ugly --> ops! I think someone just did
    7) love being alone --> hey, what can I say, I have my own imaginary world where I have to be with
    8) under normal circumstances, I would always be happy go lucky

    Whom to be tagged next? No one. Coz this is my starting point to say 'no' to things that I don't really want to do.

    As I Would Have It
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