On 7,8, & 9 September, my younger brother went for Pertandingan Teater KOMSAS Peringkat Negeri. He was the hero of the play entitled "Kerusi". On 8hb tu jugaklah we were having kenduri doa selamat and kenduri naik puasa. He wasn't there. Sedihlah jugak... balik on Sunday tu tak sempat jugak jumpa diye. The good news was, they won the competition and akan mewakili Perak untuk pertandingan peringkat kebangsaan di Kuantan.
So I sms-ed and congratulated him for his winning. And I did warn him to ensure that the competition date would never clash with my departure date. Tapi nampaknya my greatest fear jadi kenyataan jugak. My mom called last Saturday, bagi tau yang tarikh pertandingan tu adalah on 20th-25th October. Yikes!
My 2nd sis pun tak dapat nak hantar sebab diye pergi ke Langkawi, with the whole family. Ade aktiviti sekolah. Ni adik pulak. But I told my mom, no matter what, he has to send me off to the airport, by hook or by crook. Dari Kuantan tu straight away turun jek KL. Dah sampai KL nanti boleh mintak tolong sesapa amik kat Pudu. The most important is his presence.
Walaupun jarak ngan adik jauh, 13 tahun.. (yeah.. no other brother except him) but we are close. Gaduh jangan cakap, memang selalu. Dera diye pun selalu jugak hehe but he is still my brother. I just wish he could make it. Hey, 3 years nak tinggalkan family bukan sekejap. Tak sure lagi boleh balik each year or not.
Anyway.. ini ade 2 gambar adik as a prince aka hero in the play.
Nope.. he doesn't look like me at all.

Kate prince... tapi macam orang tua jek..
Oh yeah! Another story about my elder brother. He's already got a girlfriend. Susahnya nak percaya. Ye la, sepanjang 35 tahun hidup diye, ini la first time diye bawak pompuan datang kenduri ari tu. Selama ni according tu kenkawannya, ramai dah pompuan yang dipropose kat diye tp sume being rejected. Well, I guess after all, people do change. Unfortunately, we couldn't manage to snap that gal's photo. Terlambat sket. Judging from her appearance, well I think she's younger than me. Ouch!