Went to PPUM for a follow-up. This time a Chinese dentist yang check coz Dr. Hazmyr ada hal kat wad. Alhamdulillah Dr kata I'm infection-free, and he quite impressed coz I insisted for both teeth to be extracted at a time hehehe
Cuma Dr. kate I have to exercise my mouth a lot so that mulut tu bley terbukak dengan luas. If not nanti pembukaan mulut very very limited. Sebabnye? Hmmm... Due to the surgery, some muscles were cut and shorten so if I don't train to open my mouth starting from now... alamatnye jadi macam mulut ikan le... kecik jek huhu... scary.....
Anyway.. hari ni merupakan last day kat UPM huhu pasni balik cuti.. so dari Tapah nanti terus gi. Oh yeah.... ni cover untuk my latest novel.... Dua Wajah.. err nape name Naza Adlyn? Simple.. Naza merupakan initial untuk nama penuh saya ;)
Bikash tag... tapi yg ditagged tu sebenarnya saya dah buat kat entry yang sebelumnya :D tak pe takpe... next time saya akan olah sket tag tujadi lain so bley tulih untuk entry baru.. ;)
Adios for today!