Last Friday, I was helping my supervisor to do something on sculpturing. Honestly, I have no idea what he was doing actually. All I knew, he bought hundreds of discs, together with the hand tools.
So ape yang kite orang kena buat was, drill holes dekat each discs, then by using rubber tubes that had been cut for about 3 mm thick, assembled those discs membentuk apa-apa nye lah. Final product? Tak tau. Sebab by pukul 5 tu sume dah blah and kerja tak siap but one thing for sure, it was totally fun. Seriously tak pernah tengaok any computer scientist back in malysia came out with that kind of idea. Whacky but very informative.
Tengah-tengah wat kerja, ade lah mamat ni hidang ice cream. Sabar je lah. Sedap giler tengok depa makan. Ignas suh benti kejap and grabbed some ice cream. I just nodded and smiled. Huhu nantilah bile dah lama sket, I'll tell them tak sume mende kite bley makan :) mlam tu Matt ajak main poker hahahahahahahaha lawak giler..
Anyway, here's few pics yang sempat diambil.

This is how my Graphics Lab look like. Sue Ann kate cute.. hmmmm

Leithbank... bley bersantai kat situ especially on sunny day

Kebetulan ari tu, gi jenjalan ngan K Liza. Ada small graduation. Perarakan diiringi oleh Bagpiper. Cool! Gown graduation pun cantik. Kena simpan duit untuk beli nih hehe
p/s: Lupe nak bagi tau. Article saye dengan Utusan dah kuar hari Sabtu right before I fly. Ouch! Terlepas lagi.. aiyaaaaaa