Dulu-dulu pernah terfikir untuk jual items kat eBay tapi takat register je lah. Tak buat pun. Tapi semalam, I moved a step ahead. Instead of selling, I tried to bid. Bid bukan sebarang bid.. tapi bid for Audi A4. Gile? Maybe, but I really loved it.
Ni lah rupe keretanya. Dalam gambar nampak cantik, tapi tengok live lagi menawan. My eyes were fixated. My mind can't stop thinking about it.

Tapi dah tertulis takde rezeki nak bawak Audi. I lost dekat auction smalam. The saddest part was, hanya ade 2 bidders, but hey, he set a higher price and I could never go beyond that. Takpelah. Sekurang-kurangnya dah rasa naik Audi masa test drive ari tu. On a bright side, bley kumpul duit lagi and bid for another similar or better car. No retreat no surrender!
p/s: Yi Tian cakap nape tak tengok betul-betul bidder yang menang for that Audi, then gi scratch his car.. haha EVIL! But why didn't I ever think of that? :skull: