Nothing much to say. Minggu ni berlalu macam selalu. Gi lab, balik lab, managed to solve another problem, came out with another crazy vacation idea, main ping pong kat unipol, etc. Oh yeah, maybe ade something happened.
Ahad malam tu, gi Chinese Garden. Kunun nak tengok fireworks untuk Chinese New Year. Dikhabarkan kul 10.30 pm fireworks start. Kul 10 pm tu, me, Yi Tian & Aidy pun gi la. Skali dari jauh nampak fireworks dah start. By the time sampai, orang pun dah balik. Haha dah alang-alang sampai tu, tangkap gambar je la..
@ Chinese GardenLast Thursday plak, was Jochen's last day. Pulang ke Erlagen, tempat Et stadi. My German's labmate merangkap my personal tutor. Ye lah, selama setahun ni, diye yang banyak bantu dari segi programming and maths. Aja ape yang patut. Daripada saye tak reti jadi reti. Now he's gone (Frank pun dah balik ke Holland), I'm losing my greatest help. Tapi xpe. Selagi diye online selagi tu bley kaco diye hehehe
Jochen - posing with our giftOh yeah. Ni saje je nak cite. Dapat forwarded article from NZ Herald which revealed Dunedin as top place to live in New Zealand. Revealation ni was based on the survey done by ASB Bank. As being pointed by sorang ni, kalau Auckland & Wellington termasuk dalam top 5 best places to live in the world (Mercer consulting, world city mayor, economist QoL surveys) for 2007 and 2008, dan Dunedin pula the best place kat New Zealand, indirectly Dunedin termasuk dalam top 5 terbaik dunia la kan hehehe Point nye, I'm just proud to be here!
Ni saje je letak gamba katil buatan Malaysia tu. As being requested by Mas & Yana. ;)
Ni ler rupe katilnye..