Nothing much to say, cume nak tunjuk hasil 3D model saye yang pertama - a pair of scissors. I'm using Blender to model it. Why Blender? Bak kate Geoff, it's free and it does a pretty good job. Cuma sebab software free so mungkin interface nye tidak begitu friendly... but hey.. after berjaya modelkan gunting tersebut... I started to like it ;)
Well, ni lah took me sejam beberapa minggu yang lepas untuk modelkan handlenye, another hour smalam untuk blades... the rest disiapkan dalam masa 4 jam (termasuk secondary aktivities yang xde kaitan dengan belajar). Not too bad aye haha

Tapi kalau tengok mungkin agak cacat sket lah sebab bladesnya agak pendek but... Geoff kate treat this course sebagai xtra.. fun stuff so shouldn't put too much effort. And that's what I did..
Owh btw Geoff put me in charge of our lab's telescope. Sebabnye, before this diye janji nak tengok ring of saturn. Ari tu diye ajak but I was @ Pak n Save and agak tak sihat so x dapat nak tengok. Beberapa malam kebelakangan ni sky was clear but Geoff plak busy so tadi diye bagi teleskop, diye aja macam mane nak gune and expect me to star gaze. Huhu will do!
Later biler diye dah x busy, kakak diye dah balik form her visit, Geoff akan bawak naik Flagstaff macam tahun lepas. Selain dari ring of Saturn, nak tengok Titan, one of the moons of Saturn. Tengah tahun nanti, if ade rezeki.. nak tengok moon of Uranus plak sebab Andrew (another lecturer kat sini) ade kunci Observatory. So bley pinjam teleskop yang lebih besar. Double Yay!
p/s: Geoff kate tak complete seorang scientist tu if tak tengok ring of Saturn ;)