Well, this is the cover of my third series: Pencuri Identiti.

Personally, I loved it soooooooooooooooo much. It's kinda different from the previous two series, yang memaparkan gambar kanak-kanak ceria. The first two covers tu memang comel, tapi mungkin bagi false information to readers coz the story behinds it is not that ceria ;)
Anyway, siri kali ni is loosely based on shape-shifter. Just borrowed the idea, then kaitkan sikit-sikit with the second book. Introduce another new character but he's not going to be a regular. Mungkin the same character will reappear once in a while in another series. Tak tahulah. Haven't plan yet on that one.
Currently try nak continue with the fourth series tapi penat balik tournament still tak abis lagi, so rehat sekejap kot. Lagipun nak kena wat pembetulan sikit on Stigma. C'mon dLyn... Aza Aza Fighting!