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    Moody, crazy and grumpy at times (who isn't? ^_^). I prefer to live in my own imaginary world. This is part of my real world ^_^.
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  • My Precious

    Next Novel:

    Pengembaraan Fantasi: Musuh Dalam Selimut

    Status : Submitted

    Villa Krista (Novel Remaja Dewasa)

    Status : 2%

    Saturday, March 22, 2008,1:35 PM
    Mencari Arah
    Sekarang tengah Easter break. 5 hari cuti, starting from Friday hinggalah Monday. Orang bercuti bergumbira, but that's not the case for me. First skali sebab Geoff tau yang saye tak berjalan ke mane-mane the whole cuti ni. So he expects something from me.

    Masa mula-mula propose tajuk dulu, kunun nak buat AR Volleyball For Physically Impaired. Geoff suh wat je dulu proposal for the sake of application. Dah sampai sini baru sesuaikan tajuk with the facilities yang ade kat lab. Bile dah tengok ape yang ade, memang agak mustahil nak wat lah. So Geoff suh pikir sport lain yang boleh disesuaikan dengan Watching Window (if saye nak guna WW ni).

    Time flew by. Dari AR jadi VR. Dari physically impaired jadi universal access. Dari situ berubah ke dyslexic. Akhirnya berubah lagi pada non-impaired tapi masih mengekalkan idea universal accessibility tu.

    Dari sport jadi video games. Memula nak buat as educational tool. Then refine balik sebab nak kena set fokus kat cross department or CS aje. If cross department, kena bawak expertise lagi sorang yang boleh evaluate dari segi aspect sosial nye. Ape pedagogy yang bersesuaian.

    If fokus solely on CS, ape areanye? User Interface? Game engine? Adus, complicatednya. Read on game mechanic. Paling sesuai untuk difokuskan. Ingat dah ok rupenye lom lagi. Banyak lagi mende kena pikir. Adakah game mechanic tu berkait rapat ngan game physic? If nak fokus on game physics then kena bawak masuk pakar physics lak. If nak fokus on game mechanic with user interface, kena mengkreatifkan penggunaan mouse or keyboard. Bukan gune the standard way. Kalau nak gempak lagi, gune lah camera ke, microphone atau remote macam Wii.

    Janet kate it will all come together. Jangan risau. -sigh-

    p/s: Khamis ari tu gi training Scorpions. Best dapat lagi ilmu baru. Lagi best bile coach tau name saye walaupun diye sebut ntah pape tapi at least diye tau. Tu yang paling penting. Nampaknye susah dah le nak ponteng training lepas ni. Amik attendance wooo!
    As I Would Have It
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