Current condition.. I am super duper giler nak mam*** nye bz. Just nak inform blog ni might not be functioning for quite sometimes. There are so much things to do with so little time, and updating blog isn't part of it. So if sesape yang tinggal message kat blog ni, harap maaf ye if balas lewat. Jenguk blog pun dah sangat-sangat jarang. And untuk blog member-member pun, sori lah sebab dah jarang jenguk.
Teringat cerite big bang theory and wondering.. it isn't so bad living as nerds. So maybe if I have to become a nerd untuk sampai ke destinasi PhD ni, why not? It's only a matter of saying bye bye to everything.
p/s: Wahidah, kalau ade pape.. ko emel je aku eh?