Finally! Berakhir sudah Malaysian Nite '09 pada tanggal 8 August yang lepas. Dari dulu bercita-cita nak direct play. Tercapai jugak akhirnya. My directorial debut, meant for international.. bukan short play..but a 2-hour one. Woohoo! More importantly, it was a huge success!
How did it start? It was Otago Malaysian Students Association (OMSA) initiative to come out with the play of Si Tanggang. I was assigned to choreograph Ulek Mayang dance (ni last raye punye cite la ngan Praveene kunun nak wat Ulek Mayang). Then I proposed to have silat in the play. They accepted. But being me, who loves to write stories so much, I couldn't keep my mouth shut. I kept on giving them ideas on the storyline until one day they asked if I want to direct the play. Without hesitating, I said yes dan akhirnye.. muncul lah Si Tanggang 2009 in my own version (oh yeah, I made a lot of changes to the story. Diberi nafas baru :P)
5 months of planning and hard work. It was all paid off. Yang penting, the crowd loved it so much. Terbukti sebab we managed to keep all of them until end of the play. As opposed to last year, half of the crowd left during the intermission. Fuhh! Happy happy happy! Funny thing is, people congratulated me and said can't wait for next year's show. Haha the big Q is, will I be doing again for next year? I don't think so hahaha but who knows ;)
Alrighty... enjoy the show! ;)

Suasana dalam auditorium. Still waiting for others

Speech by OMSA President

Opening Scene - Tanggang & Mother

Tanggang - now the cocky captain

Tanggang's wedding

The sorceress - a new created character in Tanggang storyline
by me hahahaha

Tanggang broke her mother's heart

Everybody turned into stone

Tanggang hasn't left yet!

Tanggang finally chose to stay home..... what can I say..
I don't like cliche ;)
Among the performances that we had to complement the play:

Hip-hop - biler Tanggang terkena culture shock

Acapella "Malam" - first time Tanggang ternampak Zaitun

Indian dance - when love is in the air

Kompang accompanying the groom

Chinese dance - serenading the wedding

Tanggang was transported back to Tuah era by the Sorceress

Ulek Mayang - Tanggang tried to challenge the spirit but was defeated.
Owh I added Asmaradana in between Ulek Mayang as a fighting dance

Dikir Barat closed the show that nite - denotes a happy ending!